WTJ Store Header Section
This page contains action links relating to WTJ Naval miniatures and digital files. If you have any questions about these actions feel free to contact us.
WTJ Generic File Item. This is a product code used to pre-order WTJ Naval files for 3D printing before their release. This may include the direct email delivery of pre-release test files that may or may not be followed later by updated test or release files. The timeline for such release is entirely at the discretion of WTJ and should be considered on a best effort basis.

Use the quantity entry box below to enter the desired number of files you would like to pre-order (Example: Entering a "5" and then "Add to Cart" will post a $15 charge to the shopping cart to cover the pre-order purchase of five files). In the customer comments, include a pick list of files you would like to pre-order. Be sure to supply a list at least twice as long as the amount ordered. WTJ advises not ordering more than five items at a time. Long request queues may result in longer than desired wait times. Note that scale sizes and configurations of pre-release test files may not match those of standard releases scales.

In order to verify that the pre-release models you intend to order are qualified for this offer, contact WTJ before placing an order using this code. Orders placed without prior authorization are subject to cancellation.

WTJ Commercial License Transfer. Fee for transferring a commercial license from one Buyer to a new Buyer. Cost of transfer is 1% of original value of entire block of licenses being transferred, or $20, whichever is less. Use the quantity entry box below to enter the transfer fee in US dollars (Example: Entering a "5" and then "Add to Cart" will post a $5 charge to the shopping cart). Please include contact information for the new license holder in the shopping cart's Ordering Instructions box.
WTJ Order Adjustment. This is a product code used to correct (add) a custom amount to an existing WTJ order, this will create a new order number that we will associate with your previous order. Use the quantity entry box below to enter the desired amount to send WTJ, as shown in US dollars (Example: Entering a "5" and then "Add to Cart" will post a $5 charge to the shopping cart). Please enter the number of your previous order in the shopping cart's Ordering Instructions box, along with a brief explanation of how or why it is being applied.

All WTJ files are Copyright © 2003-2022 by The War Times Journal (WTJ), all rights reserved.