« 2.1 Command Control Each
turn that a unit wishes to move, it must first pass a command test using one
six-sided die (1D6). Only if it passes the test may the unit move. If it fails
the roll, it must remain stationary at its current position. To test a unit,
roll the die and modify the result using the command chart modifiers (see
definitions below) located in the combat chart's Command box. Cross
index the unit's training value with the appropriate Maneuver or
Assault columns on the chart. The modified die roll value must be
equivalent to or greater than the value shown. The Maneuver column is
used if the unit attempts to move or change its disposition in any way,
including standing from prone. Going prone requires no die roll. The
Assault column is used for any unit which attempts to assault move
or move into assault contact with an enemy unit. Units may use their
extra assault movement even if they will not contact an enemy unit. They must
however, still use the Assault side of the command chart. Players must declare
whether a unit will attempt to maneuver or assault before making the command
test die roll.
Contacting the enemy - Units which attempt to
assault enemy troops must move all of their component bases forward in an
attempt to establish base to base contact with enemy bases. Units may maintain
their initial base interval while advancing to contact, or they may
compress/expand their frontage as terrain allows. Assaulting units are never
obliged to "pack" their formation into a close order unit in the process of
moving to contact, although failure to do so may sometimes result in assault
contact with more than one enemy unit.
Command Chart Modifiers
- Over the Top: Subtract one point from the
command die roll if the unit is within small arms range of enemy troops and
attempting to move into the open by exiting hard cover or emerging from
- Each Command (HQ) Hit: Subtract one point
from the command die roll for each damage point presently on that unit's
regimental command base.
- Each Consecutive Assault Move: Subtract one
point from the command die roll for each consecutive assault move or assault
move attempt which that unit has previously conducted. Note that units do not
need to contact an enemy in order to conduct an assault move.
- Pinned or Withdrawn: Subtract two points
from the command die roll if the unit withdrew during the previous turn and/or
is currently pinned down.
- Demoralized: Subtract four points from the
command die roll if the unit is in a demoalized state.
« 2.2 Infantry and Cavalry
Movement Infantry and cavalry movement allowances are indicated on
the Movement portion of the combat chart, and are subject to the modifiers
shown. Each allowance indicates the total distance which each unit may move
during the course of one turn. Infantry and cavalry bases may move forward,
sideways or backwards as part of their normal movement rate. They may not move
sideways or backwards into assault contact with enemy bases (e.g. - units may
only initiate assault contact using the front edges of their component bases).
Definitions of the infantry movement categories are as follows:
Prone - Troops are laying down and using local
terrain to create extra cover. A unit may go prone or stand once during
each of its own movement phases. A unit may not stand from prone, move and then
go prone again. Prone units may assault move (and move into assault contact)
while remaining prone. Prone engineers may clear minefields while remaining
prone, but no prone units may dig field entrenchments (foxholes, hasty dig-in,
etc.) while prone. Manhandling - Any towed cannon or mortar being
moved without the aid of motorized transport. Walking - Normal
movement rate for infantry. Troops are considered to be moving upright, at a
brisk pace. Rushing - Troops are considered to be alternating between
prone, and bursts of running, usually in a "leapfrog" pattern with some troops
supply covering fire. Units may not use rushing movement to establish assault
contact with an enemy unit. Heavy Weapon - Maximum movement rate for
heavy weapon bases such as machine guns and light mortars. Cyclist -
Rate of movement for bicycle mounted troops. Note that cyclists are considered
wheeled troops, and so their cross country performance is poor compared to
their road performance, which is the mode for which they were
Wagon/Limber - Even though they are horse powered,
wagons and limbers count as wheeled transport, and are subject to wheeled
transportation movement modifiers. Like cyclists, their best mode of travel is
by road.
Cavalry Functions - Cavalry units may not use
assault movement if they will enter woods, water obstacles, or buildings during
the turn. They may mount/dismount their horses at a cost of 1/4 of their move
on any turn in which they have not conducted assault movement. Dismounted
status is indicated by adding separate dismounted troop bases to the game board
adjacent to the horse bases. One base should be withdrawn to function as "horse
holder." The original cavalry bases are then employed as markers to show the
location of the horse herd while the cavalry troopers are dismounted. While
herded together, dismounted cavalry's horse bases count as packed targets.
Dismounted cavalry trooper bases operate in all respects as infantry.
If horse herd bases are lost while their cavalry unit is dismounted,
the dismounted bases may continue to operate on foot, but may not remount
unless a corresponding number of dismounted bases are lost. (I.E. - Remounting
bases must match the number of horse herd bases). Cavalry units may not abandon
dismounted bases which do not have remounts available, although such
immobilized units may be reassigned to local formations in order to allow a
higher cavalry formation to maintain its mobility.
« 2.3 Vehicle Movement
Vehicles must always face in their direction of movement (e.g. - they may not
move sideways) and must move a minimum of 100 yards in order to be considered
to have moved. Vehicles which move less than 100 yards are considered to be
tactically stationary, and may be fired upon as if they were stationary. Any
vehicle base which moves backwards more than 100 yards must turn around and
face its direction of movement.
Dangerous Terrain - The Tracked column in the
movement section of the combat chart indicates dangerous terrain types which
may cause immobilization. This is indicated by an I and a die
roll range shown on the line for the corresponding terrain type. A vehicle must
roll two six-sided dice (2D6) for each turn that it moves within one or more of
the listed dangerous terrain types. A result within the range shown causes
immediate immobilization. Vehicles passing through more than one dangerous
terrain type must roll for each one as it is encountered.
« 2.4 Transport and
Towing Transporting Infantry - Infantry stands may be carried
inside vehicles so designated in the vehicle charts. Infantry bases pay half of
their movement for the turn to mount/dismount a vehicle. The vehicle also pays
half of its turn's movement for the unit to mount/dismount. Infantry stands
share the fate of their transporting vehicle; if the vehicle is
damaged/destroyed, all stands being carried by the vehicle are
Example: A truck which can carry two infantry bases
is damaged. Both infantry bases will also be damaged, resulting in one being
lost as Killed upon dismounting.
Infantry as Riders - Each tank class vehicle listed
as large target may transport one stand of infantry on its hull so long as the
vehicle does not move into a building or water obstacle, or into woods not
along a road. Russian T-34 tanks and related vehicles may also carry infantry
in the same fashion. The cost for infantry to ride a vehicle is 100 yards of
normal movement allowance to mount/dismount, and 200 yards of the vehicle's
movement allowance for the turn.
As noted above, infantry share the
fate of the vehicle on which they ride. If a tank carrying riders suffers
immobilization as a result of combat, the riding infantry is attacked on the
Area Weapons Chart and, if they survive, they immediately dismount next to the
tank without cost to movement. Russian infantry may become riders in any game
set in 1942 or later; all other nationalities may become riders in scenarios
set in or later than 1943. Riders and passengers in half-tracks (only) may fire
from the vehicle by using the moving modifier on the Small Arms Chart
(exception: MG/mortar stands may never fire while being transported).
Towing weapons - Weapon sections which require towing
(see Formation and Equipment) need jeeps, trucks, tractors or prime movers for
their mobility. Those vehicles capable of towing weapons will have that fact
noted in the transport vehicle lists along with the largest gun class which
that vehicle is capable of moving. The limbering and set up time for each
gun class is shown below. Limbering and unlimbering costs the towing vehicle a
certain portion of its movement. Once unlimbered, a transport vehicle may then
depart (if under fire it will want to do so quickly) and leave the gunners to
set up their pieces. Weapons may not fire on any turn in which they expend all
of their time limbered or being set up. If half or three quarters of a turn is
spent setting up, a weapon will suffer the Moved modifier. If less than a half
turn is expending in unlimbering and set up, the weapon does not suffer the
Moved fire modifier.
Weapon Size/Gun Class |
Limber - Unlimber Cost (in turns of
movement) |
Set-up Time (in turns of
movement) |
Small 1 through
4 |
¼ - none |
none |
Medium 5 or 6 |
½ - ¼ |
¾ |
Large 7 or
larger |
1 - ½ |
1 |
For Example: A Russian 76mm anti-tank gun (gun class
5) is towed into position by its truck, which moved half of its available
movement before stopping to unlimber. It takes one-quarter of a turn to
unlimber, so the Russian gun crew may begin setup, which takes three-quarters
of a turn. They will spend the last quarter of this turn setting up, and since
they will complete their set up in the middle of the following turn, they will
be able to fire, but with the appropriate Moved modifier. If the truck had
remained stationary (i.e. - not moved at all), the Russian crew could have
unlimbered and set up all in one turn, still preventing them from firing that
turn, but allowing them to fire at full effect the following turn.
A towing vehicle may move at only three quarters of its
original maximum movement rate and will have all terrain movement penalties
doubled. No gun type may fire while limbered, the only exception to this being
the German 88 flak gun which may fire while limbered (if stationary) with the
Moved fire modifier.
« 2.5 Defenses
Digging-in - Infantry units and heavy weapon bases which do not require
towing may expend their movement allowance to prepare their own fieldworks
(defenses). Units preparing defenses count as having moved and take six turns
to complete a hasty dig-in or 20 turns to complete foxholes. Individual
engineer bases may dig-in infantry, heavy weapons sections and towed heavy
equipment within the same aforementioned time frame.
The digging in of tanks and vehicles must be done using
available Setup Sheet defenses at double normal usage. For example: A vehicle
with a 100 yard frontage would consume 200 yards of trench-line in order to be
considered entrenched.
Minefields- Minefields use the same markers as
artillery barrages, except they are red instead of black, and they remain in
position throughout the game. For each base which passes through any portion of
each minefield during its movement, roll for loss or damage on the same Area
Weapons Chart as artillery barrages without applying die roll modifiers. Each
minefield marker has an effective radius of 120 yards. Artillery barrages and
passage of troops do not "thin out" minefields, an effect which is outside the
scope of this game. Players wishing for such events should include them in the
scenario design.
Each engineer base may clear a path through a minefield by
moving at the appropriate reduced speeds (rough for standing, double rough for
prone engineer bases) and marking the cleared channel behind them using white
game markers. Units may then move along these cleared "lanes" without checking
for mine damage. The unit bases must remain centered on the cleared lanes in
order to avoid mine hit rolls. The engineer bases conducting mine clearing may
do so while prone or standing. |