Ship Value Key
- Name(s): Name of vessels in
that class, followed by the date of first completion.
- Size:Size class of vessel,
an abstract value based on the vessel's tonnage and
size Armor:Average armor
thickness values for the ship's Vitals and Upperworks. The first
number applies to armor over the vitals and the second number applies to armor
over the upperworks of the ship. Upperworks protection:The extent of protection a vessel has in the form
of upper belt, casemate, battery, secondary turret and/or gun shield armor,
rated as great, good, poor or none. Flood
protection:The amount of waterline protection a
vessel has in the form of armor plating, rated as great, good, poor or
none. Vessels must have well protected fore and aft sections in order to
qualify for the good or great ratings. Stability:Vessel's
inherent tendency to remain upright, rated as either good or
poor Seaway rating:Whether a
vessel has normal or poor seakeeping qualities for a boat
or ship of its size.
- Speed: The vessel's maximum
speed in knots (nautical miles per hour). In order to find the six levels of
available game speed which a player uses to fill out the Speed boxes ona
ship log, see the Scales Page.
- Armament:
- Quantity-Type:The number of
guns, their real-life bore diameter and the position classification of a
weapon Size:An abstract value denoting
shell size for game use. During game play, this value will be compared to the
"size" of the target in order to calculate the ability of a weapon to cause
damage. ROF:Rate of fire. The number
of rounds a weapon may fire in one turn. Rated as either ½, 1 or
2. Penetration:The amount of armor an
armor piercing (AP) round can penetrate at each of the three main range
brackets. The first, highest number is the value used against a target vessel's
armor if the leading edge of that vessel lies within the first firing range
bracket. The second number is used for the second range bracket and the third
number is used for the third range bracket. AP shells may not be fired out to
the fourth range bracket. If a dash is shown instead of a number, it means that
the weapon in question may not fire at that range. Hence a boat gun may only
fire at targets which lie within the first range
bracket. Position/Pattern: The
positions or beam pattern in which the weapons are arrayed on the