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German Navy Ship Values
Unless otherwise stated, all vessels listed use turing circle #5 for turning and maneuver.

Braunschweig, Elsass, Hessen, Preussen, Lothringen (1904)
Size:55  Armor:14 - 6 Upperworks protection:great  Flood protection:great Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 18 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 28cm Main Size:45  ROF:1  Penetration:15-11-7  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×4 - 17cm Secondary  Size:10  ROF:2  Penetration:8-5-2  Positions:MO SU
Quantity-Type:×10 - 17cm Secondary  Size:10  ROF:2  Penetration:8-5-2  Pattern:1
Quantity-Type:×20 - boat guns Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern

Wittelsbach, Wettin, Zahringen, Schwaben, Mecklenberg (1902)
Size:50 Armor:13 - 6   Upperworks protection:great  Flood protection:great Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal  Speed: 17½ kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 24cm Main Size:22  ROF:1  Penetration:12-8-4  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×4 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Positions:MO SU
Quantity-Type:×14 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:3 (special, use same pattern method)
Quantity-Type:×14 - boat guns Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern

Kaiser Friedrich III, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, Kaiser Barbarossa (1898)
Size:45  Armor:13 - 6 Upperworks protection:good  Flood protection:good Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 17 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 24cm Main Size:22  ROF:1  Penetration:11-7-3  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×6 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Positions:MO PR SU
Quantity-Type:×12 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:3 (special, use same pattern method)
Quantity-Type:×12 - boat guns Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern

Brandenburg, Kurfurst Friedrich Wilhelm, Weissenburg, Worth (1893)
Size:40  Armor:9 - 3  Upperworks protection:poor Flood protection:great  Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 16½ kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 28cm Main Size:40  ROF:1  Penetration:10-7-4  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×2 - 28cm Main Size:40  ROF:1  Penetration:9-6-4  Positions:Centerline
Quantity-Type:×6 - 10cm Secondary  Size:3  ROF:1  Penetration:2-0--  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×8 - boat guns Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern

Hilderbrand, Hagen, Odin, Agir (1896)
Size:15 Armor:8 - ½  Upperworks protection:none  Flood protection:great  Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 15 kts
Quantity-Type:×3 - 24cm Main Size:18  ROF:½  Penetration:9-5-2  Positions:BC Z
Quantity-Type:×8 - boat guns Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern
Siegfried, Beowulf, Frithjof, Heimdall, (1890)
Size:15  Armor:6 - ½  Upperworks protection:none  Flood protection:great Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 15 kts
Quantity-Type:×3 - 24cm Main Size:18  ROF:½  Penetration:9-5-2  Positions:BC Z
Quantity-Type:×8 - boat guns Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 35cm torpedoes Size:60  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 35cm torpedoes Size:60  Pattern:stem, stern

Armored Cruisers
Roon (1905)
Size:40  Armor:7 - 4  Upperworks protection:great  Flood protection:great Stability:great  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 21 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 21cm Main Size:18  ROF:1  Penetration:10-7-4  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×4 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Positions:MO SU
Quantity-Type:×6 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:2
Quantity-Type:×16 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern
Prinz Adalbert, Friedrich Karl (1903)
Size:40  Armor:6 - 4  Upperworks protection:great Flood protection:great Stability:poor  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 20.5 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 21cm Main Size:18  ROF:1  Penetration:10-7-4  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×4 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Positions:MO SU
Quantity-Type:×6 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:2
Quantity-Type:×14 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern
Prinz Heinrich (1902)
Size:40 Armor:6 - 4 Upperworks protection:good Flood protection:good  Stability:poor  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 20.5 kts
Quantity-Type:×2 - 24cm Main Size:22  ROF:1  Penetration:12-8-4  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×4 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Positions:MO SU
Quantity-Type:×6 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:1
Quantity-Type:×12 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern
Furst Bismarck (1900)
Size:45  Armor:9 - 4 Upperworks protection:good  Flood protection:great Stability:poor  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 18 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 24cm Main Size:22  ROF:1  Penetration:12-8-4  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×6 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Positions:DE PR VW
Quantity-Type:×6 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:2 (special, four guns forward, two aft)
Quantity-Type:×10 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:stem, stern

Protected Cruisers
Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Lubeck, Munchen (1904)
Size:15  Armor:4 - ½  Upperworks protection:none Flood protection:none Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 23 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 10cm Secondary Size:3  ROF:2  Penetration:3-1--  Positions:BC XY
Quantity-Type:×6 - 10cm Secondary Size:3  ROF:2  Penetration:3-1--  Pattern:1
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0

Gazelle, Niobe, Nymphe, Thetis, Ariadne, Amazone, Medusa, Frauenlob, Arcona, Endine (1900)
Size:12  Armor:2 - ½  Upperworks protection:none  Flood protection:none Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 21 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 10cm Secondary Size:3  ROF:2  Penetration:3-1--  Positions:BC XY
Quantity-Type:×6 - 10cm Secondary Size:3  ROF:2  Penetration:3-1--  Pattern:1
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×1 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Position:stem

Victoria Louise, Hertha, Freya, Vineta, Hansa (1898)
Size:25  Armor:4 - 4  Upperworks protection:good  Flood protection:none  Stability:poor  Seaway rating:normal  Speed: 18.5 kts
Quantity-Type:×2 - 21cm Main Size:18  ROF:1  Penetration:9-6-3  Positions:A Z
Quantity-Type:×8 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:2
Quantity-Type:×10 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×1 - 46cm torpedoes Size:120  Position:stem

Gefion (1894)
Size:15  Armor:1 - ½  Upperworks protection:none  Flood protection:none Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 19 kts
Quantity-Type:×4 - 10cm Secondary Size:3  ROF:2  Penetration:3-1--  Positions:BC XY
Quantity-Type:×6 - 10cm Secondary Size:3  ROF:2  Penetration:3-1--  Pattern:1
Quantity-Type:×2 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×2 - 45cm torpedoes Size:120  Pattern:0

Irene, Prinzess Wilhelm (1893)
Size:20 Armor:3 - ½  Upperworks protection:none Flood protection:none  Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 18 kts  Turning Circle:#2
Quantity-Type:×4 - 15cm Secondary Size:5  ROF:2  Penetration:3-1-0  Positions:MO SU
Quantity-Type:×8 - 10cm Secondary  Size:3  ROF:2  Penetration:2-0--  Pattern:1
Quantity-Type:×2 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×3 - 35cm torpedoes Size:60  Pattern:0, stem

Kaserin Augusta (1892)
Size:25  Armor:3 - ½ Upperworks protection:none  Flood protection:none  Stability:poor  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 21½ kts
Quantity-Type:×12 - 15cm Secondary  Size:6  ROF:2  Penetration:5-3-2  Pattern:2
Quantity-Type:×8 - boat guns Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×4 - 35cm torpedoes Size:60  Pattern:0
Quantity-Type:×1 - 35cm torpedoes Size:60  Position:stem

Destroyers All destroyers, torpedo boats and torpedo gunboats have upperworks protection and flood protection ratings of none.
S108 - S125 (1901)
Size:2  Armor:½ Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 29 kts Turning Circle:#2
Quantity-Type:×3 - 45cm torpedoes Secondary Size:120  Position:centerline
Quantity-Type:×2 - boat gun Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0

S90 - S107 (1898)
Size:2  Armor:½ Stability:good  Seaway rating:normal   Speed: 27 kts Turning Circle:#2
Quantity-Type:×3 - 45cm torpedoes Secondary Size:120  Position:centerline
Quantity-Type:×2 - boat gun Tertiary Size:1  ROF:2  Penetration:1----  Pattern:0

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